
The deadline for the Call for Proposals for the 57th Annual Meeting, "Rethinking Violence, Reconstruction, and Reconciliation" is just around the corner!

March 15 is the last day you will be able to submit a proposal for a paper, panel, or roundtable for presentation at the Annual Meeting, which will be held November 20-23, 2014.


The call for proposals for phase III of the SPP 1448 is now open


8 Doctoral Fellowships: “Urban Infrastructures in Transition: The Case of African Cities”

Darmstadt University & Goethe Universit Frankfurt, deadline is February 28, 2014[more]


Oxford X Symposium on Archeaoastronomy: Astronomy, Indigenous Knowledge, and Interpretation

Cape Town, SA, 14-18 July 2014, Abstracts due by 1 March 2014


AEGIS Summer School, Cagliari, 24-28 June 2014

Deadline for Abstracts is 28 Feb, 2014[more]

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