
SPP 1448 Working Paper No. 13 now online

"Invisible Enemy": Translating Ebola prevention and control measures in Sierra Leone[more]


Sofja Kovalevskaja Award

Many young researchers dream of securing a decent academic post for themselves. Ideally, one with good long-term prospects, their own research group and reliable funding. Through its Sofja Kovalevskaja Award, the Alexander von...[more]


Summer School "Repositioning in a Globalizing World" with SPP 1448 participation Leipzig University, 8-11 June 2015

The XIII Summer School of the Graduate School "Global and Area Studies" at Leipzig University will be held on 8 - 11 June 2015.[more]


Reminder: SPP1448-Workshop "Creativity and Adaptation"

SPP 1448 Workshop on Creativity and Adaptation “Multiple Creativities and Adapting Adaptation: In Search of Analytical Concepts"[more]


SPP 1448 Working Paper No. 12 now online

Space and the production of order and disorder[more]


Professor Niang's piece in WHO newsletter: Ebola diaries

An interesting article on the social aspects of the Ebola virus disease has been published by Dr Cheikh Ibrahima Niang.[more]


"Creativity in the Arts and Sciences." conference in May in Berlin

The conference "Creativity in the Arts and Sciences. Collective Processes from a Spatial Perspective" will take place in May in Berlin.[more]