
For your interest: Rapport inédit "Facteurs de radicalisation et perception du terrorisme chez les jeunes de la grande banlieue de Dakar"

Depuis les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, le monde est entré dans une nouvelle ère, celle de la vulnérabilité globalisée. Le nombre d’attentats terroristes a explosé d’une manière inquiétante au point que le phénomène est...[more]


Lecture: "The Precarious Future of National Sovereignty" by Arjun Appadurai, New York University.

Anton Wilchelm Amo Lecture: "The Precarious Future of National Sovereignty" by Arjun Appadurai, New York University, New York City, N.Y. at October 18th, 2016.[more]


SPP1448 Working Paper No. 22 now online

We are happy to announce the twenty-second issue of the SPP 1448 Working Paper Series: "The Ordering Power of Technology".[more]

Category: News


SPP 1448 Working Paper No. 21 now online

We are happy to announce the twenty-first issue of the SPP 1448 Working Paper Series: "The Ordering Power of Narratives".[more]


SPP 1448 Working Paper No. 20 now online

We are happy to announce the twentieth issue of the SPP 1448 Working Paper Series: "Translating Technologies in Global Health".[more]


Speech: "Decolonising Knowledge, Education, and the University" by Prof Lewis Gordon at SOAS, University of London

Prof Lewis Gordon held a speech with the title "Decolonising Knowledge, Education, and the University" at SOAS, University of London, on June 3rd, 2016.[more]

Category: News


Interview with Jon Schubert on French TV regarding current situation in Mozambique

An interview with "Changing Stateness" project member Jon Schubert has been aired on French TV programme Focus. [more]

Category: News